Tabby Cat homeschool Introduction

                                                Welcome to the Tabby Cat Homeschool blog

We are a homeschool utilizing Faithful Scholars as our accountability group. We have decided to homeschool Sarah our daughter after a very unsuccessful start to kindergarten. Our public school Crowders Creek elementary is an awesome public school and has loving dedicated teachers and staff. Our daughter Sarah was not able to make the transition from pre-k to kindergarten without significant difficulty. Her difficulties were not scholastic but social. After multiple suspensions and frequent interventions, we finally decided to homeschool. We were getting a form of PTSD from every day calls and after prayer and conversations, we decided that change needed to occur as we were expending resources and not seeing improvement.  It is our desire to make this a fun and rewarding experience with a goal of getting Sarah to a point of returning to Public School. We are in day three and are having so much fun. There have been many challenges but we're on the road to success! 

Our curriculum consists of a combination of Abeka and ingenuity to ensure we meet and exceed the basic requirements by South Carolina Department of Education standards. Stay tuned as our adventure continues. Pray for our school and pray that the Lord will continue to work mightly in Sarah's life! God bless you...See you soon!

We had our first field trip today! We went to the recycling center to learn how the things we dispose of are recycled and managed. It was fun to see all the bins and to separate our recyclables. As a part of our EARTH SCIENCES we learned that managing our garbage through recycling help to prevent pollution and keeps Gods Earth healthy!

We have some pictures!


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