Tabby cat homeschool blog weekly post
We Had a short week due to the Holiday on Monday for presidents day! Sarah did very well on her testing and shows she is grasping the blended words, and phonics. She knows her vowels and is even using "Y" in her word study! She is working hard to sound out words and is still adding letters to simple two word sounds and gets frequently frustrated. She does choose three letter words quickly during phonics assignments, but does balk at sounding out two word sounds. Her math skills are excellent and she really has a grasp on addition and subtraction. She uses mental math on many of her assignments which is far ahead of our schedule. In our "feelings" time, she is opening up to how she is feeling, but still chooses patent responses to how she's really feeling. We discuss the feeling, and its proper response, and the consequences of improper responses. Her feelings for Joe are getting less threatening as Joe and Sarah have had some great time together playing Minecraft. Her Minecraft "skills" are phenomenal and she is very imaginative in her online play. It's interesting to see the complexity of her buildings and the accessories she chooses for her world!
She has come to class with a ready body and her responses to correction are getting better without anger or frustration. She leads our prayer time with utilizing "echo" and "listening" formats and leads our Pledge of allegiance without prompting...WELL DONE!
We have introduced civics into our curriculum and she has a good understanding of the flag and its history. Her art is less dark and more open as well as imaginative. She does frequently choose the darker colors for items usually portrayed in lighter colors. She is not a fan of coloring,but learning to be more patient in complex coloring schemes. We are learning music on the piano and have been discussing scales and scale placement on the keyboard. WE love to make up songs, and she frequently makes up songs about our assignments.. that's not only fun, but she really retains the subject matter when we put it to songs and dances. Overall, she is really improving in behavior, writing and body response and we are looking forward to our times at Tabby Cat!
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