Well friends what an exciting week we had. Lots of fun activities and a great trip to Clover High School to watch Joe(brother) on stage with his bible study class. Well its the end of February and were moving closer to summer! We had a pretty good week and learned a lot. We did some testing and lots of music and dance. Momma came and opened our morning routine with us, that's always super fun! We have been watching too much Ipad and so having a bit of a slip backward on behavior. We will curb our watching time to find a happy medium of ipad time and good behavior.We will be working on sounding words out, as Sarah still is struggling to remember to sound out words. She really wants to read and will excel once she learns to sound out words. Our reading test went well. She does better reading on her own rather than having me prompt her, so when she was stuck on a word, she became very frustrated by my help! "Head strong this one is!"(in my best Yoda voice)
On Friday we went to Clover High School to see a recital by the biblical studies release program at CCE. It was a pancake dinner in the cafeteria of the High School. We lined up and got our pancakes and sausage and then found a table. They had coffee, hot chocolate, juice and milk. Someone joined our table and was super nice, her name was Cherise. Cherise's daughter attends Kinnard school in Clover. Soon the time was called for Joe to line up with his classroom and proceed to the stage. The program was really neat, as they sang and acted out bible songs as well as reciting Bible verses. Sarah did a great job of behaving in the very social setting. There were quite a few families there and even though you could tell Sarah was getting overstimulated, She was able to overcome. We had a table in front of the stage a few rows back and people came and stood right in front of us! How rude can you get? Sarah was able to move up next to the rudingtons and video Joe during his program! They received a great round of applause when they finished...Go Joe Go! Sarah was so proud, as they were walking off the stage she was yelling loudly "GOOD JOB JOE...I LOVE YOU JOE!" It was very cute and she got lots of smiles from the other families. We stayed to watch Kinnard Schools program with finger lights and cheer them on! Well all in all it was a very special week and a great way to end February!~
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